Friday, May 21, 2010

Niger - May 2010

Bon jour, Sanu, and Good day!

This is a short update for a few of you who have been praying.
It has been nice, hot, busy, and typical for Galmi experiences. One of the surgeons was laughing about how he and his wife had been in another part of Africa and thought it was the dirtiest, hottest, and most miserable place to work (he grew up in India), until he found out that missionaries came there from Galmi for Rest and Relaxation!!

He later came to Galmi and realized why.
It has been getting down near 104 or so at night. During the day I have no idea how hot it is getting, but inside it runs in the 115-118 range. Humid to ~50% now because of the rains a couple hundred miles south of here.

Almost lost a lady and her baby this morning - emergent c-section, and she arrested before I made the incision.

It was her first baby, and she was pre-eclamptic (high blood pressure, and had had a seizure earlier because of the blood pressure). There is an OB-Gyn visiting from the US and she is VERY good - but she was already doing another emergent section and asked me to help.

While I was finishing putting on my gloves the woman quit breathing as her heart rate slowed.

They started CPR as I started cutting. Quickly.

Got the baby out, but there was no breathing.

The mom wasn't bleeding. Her uterus was soft and purple, blood was purple, bowels were pale, nothing was bleeding... and they were still doing CPR.
I sewed up the mom fast, and just as I was getting ready to close her abdomen her skin started bleeding and the blood turned red. I was very, very happy to see red blood and bleeding.

Both mom and baby survived.

God is in control of our days.

Side note - the power was out and we were running on the generator, so no air-conditioner :) When the guys came in from doing morning rounds they took one look at me and wondered what had happened... I told them it had been raining indoors :)

That's a snippet of life here.
After 2 C-sections, a couple hernias (large and recurrent), lunch and clinic...there was a lady with a ruptured uterus & dead baby. I assisted the OB-Gyn visiting here with that operation, then headed home for a siesta :)
Thankful for a relationship with the Creator God who holds each of us in His hands. Without that relationship life here would be meaningless. And that relationship is what makes it worth every minute. It is truly life.

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