So much for a quiet evening :)
I had just arrived at the evening get-together (Dessert party) for the team leaving tomorrow. When Keir informed me of a gunshot victim in the ER.
A 4 y/o boy was accidentally shot with a shotgun - to the neck.
It happened a couple of hours earlier, so I wasn't too concerned that there was a problem with the airway.
The picure you see is without any pain medications or sedation. He let me pick his head up, move his neck, and examine him. Amazing.
After an x-ray (no pellets in his skull) and a little ketamine, Jean Claude (the 2nd yr resident) and Judd (4th yr student) and I washed him out and closed the wound. Keir had told me to try - and I doubted him :) Later he told me that he didn't think it would work, but wanted me to try anyway! Nothing like a younger colleague with a little more experience to motivate you to do a better job :)
Amazing to see it come together. Hope that it drains appropriately and that the facial nerve stays fairly functional. I couldn't find any major damage to the nerves or major arteries.
God is good. The father (who had the gun) was visibly relieved when I told him in my halting French that his son would be "ok".
I have heard it said in the past, "This is Africa, the scars don't matter". My response is: "I don't work based on scars, cultural expectations, or to please people - I work to please God and honor Him with the gifts and abilities He has given me." If God gave me the training to close facial trauma, why shouldn't a little boy in the jungles of Africa benefit by it? And do some teaching in the meantime :) It is fun to be a part of the work here. And Jean Claude did a great job finishing it up.
By the way, we still made it back for middle and ends of the party :)
Having fun, working, and enjoying walking with Jesus.
I trust the same is true for you! Walk with Him. Thanks for your prayers!!!
Hi! I enjoy your photos and notes on how your day and your trip are going. What an exciting/challenging day! I am so glad you are there and that God is using you in many ways.
I will pray God's blessings, guidance and wisdom as you spend your last 5 days in Gabon.
God Bless You!
Rachel :)
Thank you for sending us updates of your work. We are praying for you. Isn't God amazing!?
~Justin and Susan Dougherty
hey john -
glad i was eating lunch when i looked up your blog :)
we are praying for you and miss you!
looking forward to having you over when you get home.
troy and sherry
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