Well, I'm still alive and it appears all is going fairly well. Of course, Dr. Thelander and all the residents, as well as Huub and Amy (the medical student) are still here so it should be going well!
More operations today, and more opportunities to scratch my head and wonder what it was we were removing. Big tumors, which shouldn't be that big. Amy is holding what is probably a prostate tumor. But the patients did well which is the main thing.

Last night as I was walking home I saw the sunset over the far ridge. It was beautiful to hear the birds singing and calling as the calmness of night settled. About 3 am there was a down-pour (literally pouring) of rain and today it is quite cool and nice (70-80's).
Right now the sun is setting again, and the cacophony of sounds coming up from the jungle is incredible. I had no idea insects and birds (&?) can make that much noise!
Amy mentioned that she doesn't care for the tall

Speaking which, I haven't seen any thus far (snakes that is)
Reading in Ephesians and 1 John today. Reminded again how God's love for us is not earned, nor is it gained through trust in Him - it IS love for us because He chose to love us. Because of His example in my life I can love the people here who have not earned my trust. God's love is great enough for me to love those around me without regret and without fear. It is a joy to relate with patients who I know are made in God's image, even as little as I can see it sometimes. The horror sin affects on us is universal. I am glad we have a God who lived through that horror to make it possible for us to have eternal life.
Pretty amazing actually :)
Appreciate your prayers. Keir and the residents leave in the morning. Keir and Joanna are a wonderful couple, along with their two children. It was a blessing to have dinner with them last night and spend a few hours catching up and being blessed by their fellowship.
Thankful for your prayers!

John, Heb 13:1-8
1 comment:
I like the photo of the scrub brushes! It makes me appreciate the new ones we have every day here at home. rw
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